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Tightening a UPVC front door handle?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 4:38 pm
by worm
My front door handle has become very loose now, most probably due to its age and use!

I thought I could just leave it until the other day when I went to leave the house and 'pull the lever' up to engage the mortice locks' as I left the house. But when I tried to get back in, because the handle has become so loose it did not engage the locks properly and even when unlocked I could not get into my house!!!! arrrrhhhhh

After a few calm minutes and gently trying it over and over I made it back into the house! phew!

I don't want to leave this until I am totally locked in/out, is there anyway of helping this without having to replace the door?



Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:19 pm
by welsh brickie
the handle bar inside has probably worn you could replace the bar but check the inside of the handle you may need to renew aswell