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Hinges Have Dropped on new Windows and now Can't Close Them

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 8:14 pm
by Bluebell8
Hello, I'm having to wait a week for an engineer. New windows have been in a week and I already have four that have ''dropped'', to the point where there is a huge gap at the top, and I can't close them!

Why has this occurred? Is it just shoddy installation or bad quality?

Also, how long should it take for Fensa certificates to arrive?

Thanks for reading.

Re: Hinges Have Dropped on new Windows and now Can't Close Them

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:09 pm
by welsh brickie
its down to the manufactures, had it last month on 1 window the hinges need replacing

Re: Hinges Have Dropped on new Windows and now Can't Close Them

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:20 pm
by thumbturn
If the windows have dropped that much then I doubt if they are level.
Also they may have not been glazed properly. I assume these are side hung windows. There is a correct method of glazing for these and I doubt if it has been done.
If these people are FENSA registered then they should know how to do it properly. Or is FENSA just another way of making money at the homeowners expense?