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French Door Sliding Rail not Sitting Correctly

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:33 am
by MattBaigent
Hi all, hopefully this is the right section. I have a sliding patio door which isn't sitting right. There is a gap at the bottom of about 3-5mm. I had a closer look and the rail that that it sits on has now bent and almost folded away from the track.

Photo attached is a photo of the rail and you can see (pretty poorly) it folding away to the left. I've had a look online but I can see a few different varieties. Would anyone have any idea of what type it is. The original photo is much better but I had to crop it so much that it doesn't really show the shape.

Thanks very much,


Re: French Door Sliding Rail not Sitting Correctly

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:30 pm
by welsh brickie
you can get a replacement track, but it needs to be the exact make, and if its old its hard to replace.
Try your local double glazing installers they may have and old frame in their yard