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UPVC Drain Holes in Door not Draining Correctly

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:57 am
by Ashley260789
Morning all,

Any help from the experienced would be greatly appreciated.

I installed a new UPVC back door (full glass pane) recently which has two slotted drain holes just below the drip bar. I think I should make it clear at this point that the drain holes are in the door, not the frame.

The problem is that when I open the door into the property the water held in the door comes whooshing out onto the carpet. It appears that the drain holes are not discharging all the water in the door until the centrifugal force from opening the door forces it out.

I hope this explains it clearly and you can help



Re: UPVC Drain Holes in Door not Draining Correctly

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 3:29 pm
by JamesDon95
Hi Ashley,

Does this door have a full frame to the bottom and a cill or has it got a low ali threshold?