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Window Locked Shut and Handle Turning in Circles

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 3:07 pm
by WillEvans12
My upstairs window has stopped opening up and the handle just turns in circles. I have removed the handle and it seems the bolt system has started to crumble. The square bolt no longer traps in place to open the window.
It seems like the trapping system has worn and torn and crumbled.
Any ideas on how I would rectify this so that I can open the window again.

Re: Window Locked Shut and Handle Turning in Circles

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:25 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi willevans12,
You could try using a flat end screwdriver to turn the mechanism.
If it's a upvc window repair to the mechanism is difficult.
Regards S.