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Sizes of hinged openings for windows

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 7:20 pm
by livewire1
designing some replacement windows.
there is max min sizes for hinged openings of course.
having a quick look at the neighbour hood there is variations,
Question is there any method for the sizes of openings.
or is it just a matter of whatever the person decided to do?

Re: Sizes of hinged openings for windows

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 11:04 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi livewire1
Suggest you decide on your window design and size then go on the web site of window supply companies and enter your details. The good sites will give you guidance if you are going outside the design parameters for the window you require.
Regards S

Re: Sizes of hinged openings for windows

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:03 am
by livewire1
i am not going outside of any parameters.
was asking if there is any calculation for it.
using an online design tool and it had given 700mm as a max opening, which i think is too big, taking it to 600. quick measure of a neighbours which is 550, original windows (20 year old pvc) which have much smaller openings.