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Changing furniture on a composite door so it hinges/opens on opposite side

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:04 am
by sgriffin6
I have acquired a second hand composite door. Unfortunately it opens/hinges on the wrong side. It includes the frame.

I suppose I could rotate the door so inside goes to the outside, but the hinges would then presumably need to be moved to the inside of the door and it would need repainting on both sides...not ideal.

Is it feasible to swap the hinges and locking mechanisms to the other side of the door ? (Inside of door remains inside, but hinges from other side) If so I assume getting a new frame would be the way to go...if this is possible. Unfortunately I cannot see a brand name on the door.

Any thoughts/links/videos ?

Many thanks..Stuart

Re: Changing furniture on a composite door so it hinges/opens on opposite side

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:41 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi sgriffin6
Don't think there is much chance of successfully doing what you suggest.
Turn the door and frame so inside becomes outside and rotate lock and letterbox.
Regards S

Re: Changing furniture on a composite door so it hinges/opens on opposite side

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:43 pm
by sgriffin6
Thanks..I suspect you're correct.
