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Is 'K' Glass worth the extra cost?

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 4:35 pm
by robinjon
I live in a listed building and am only permitted to install secondary glazing on the side of the house viewed from the public road.

My proposed installer has offered 'K' glass as an option. Is it likely to be cost effective in this situation? The only views I have seen refer to its use in double glazing.

Re: Is 'K' Glass worth the extra cost?

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:19 pm
by ericmark
Depends on the sun, I had problems with K glass getting the room too hot, the morning sun in bay windows could get room to 32 degs C before the radiator cooled, changing to an electronic TRV head helped, as far as I under stand it stops inferred heat escaping, so would depend on what heating is used.