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Condensation or misting on outside of double glazed window

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:32 pm
by Olliep3456
Hi, having condensation on the external glass of double glazing. I have read into it and it's apparently not a bad thing just that the double glazing is preventing heat transfer. The windows affected are north facing which I feel is making it worse.

But unfortunately my other half is very concerned about it and wants me to get someone to come and sort it even after I've said its not a problem. Is there a way of helping prevent it happening?? I just feel if I get someone in they will rip me off and not sort the problem.

Re: Condensation or misting on outside of double glazed window

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 11:34 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi olliep3456.
If the condensation is on the outer face of the outer glass it is just climatic conditions. If it is on the inside face of the outer glass (you can’t wipe it off) then you have failed DGUs.
Regards S