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UPVC door just won't close properly anymore

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2022 6:11 pm
by Deanhoadley91

I have a uPVC front door which just won't close properly any longer, you have to slam it so hard it shakes the house to get it to close from the outside, yet when you close it from the inside it closes with no issues, handle down and gently push closed. But outside handle down and close and it just doesn't, stops dead and sort.of.bounxes back and this goes on a few times until enough force is used to close it. It's driving me as I can't work out why at all.

Re: UPVC door just won't close properly anymore

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2022 10:20 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi deanhoadley97,
Most likely cause is that the outer handle is not withdrawing the multipoint locking pin at the bottom of the door. You should be able to establish if this is the cause by feeling under the door and see if the pin is sticking out.
A good spray of the mechanism, cutting a bit off the pin, adjusting the door or get a locksmith in.
Regards S