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Old UPVC door that needs adjusting as it touches the threshold

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 3:42 pm
by DIYForum23
Hi all

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

I have a door where the bottom of the door is catching the threshold.

I've had a locksmith look at the door and the hinges can't be adjusted.

He mentioned that the hinges only need to be lifted by a mm or so to stop it catching the threshold. He mentioned that the size of half a washer could fix the problem.

Has somebody ever experienced the issue?

I attach photos of what the door looks like.

Thanks everyone.

Re: Old UPVC door that needs adjusting as it touches the threshold

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 10:16 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi diyforum23,
Doing what the locksmith suggested may be your only solution. Because your door is in a recess it is not possible to lift the door in the open position to fit washers.
You will have to undo the screws holding the hinges in place, do one hinge at a time but do not remove all three screws at once - there may be a screw plate in the box section which will fall if you remove all screws. Remove one at a time and fit a short piece of studding in each one to keep the plate in place. You will then be able to remove half the hinge, fit a washer and replace,
Regards S

Re: Old UPVC door that needs adjusting as it touches the threshold

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:49 pm
by DIYForum23
Hi stoneyboy

Thanks very much for getting back to me and giving your advice.

I will try what you've advised and hopefully it will sort the issue out.

Kind regards.