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Chalet Bungalow Roof Insulation

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:31 pm
by triton
Any idea on the best method of insulating the space between the sloping bedroom ceilings and the roof on my 1938 Chalet bungalow it is very steeply pitched so the area of ceiling is large compared to the horizontal ceiling sections.. The gap is about 8 inches. I guess I will still require some space for ventilation.
thanks in anticipation. :?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:47 pm
by stoneyboy
Depends on how you want to approach the problem. You could try sliding mineral wool or expanded foam down the voids leaving at least a 50mm ventilation gap.
If you are prepared to remove the existing plasterboard you could then add expanded foam between the rafters and fit new plasterboard with foam stuck on the back of it. This would be the best method.