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Insulating 1900 House With Solid External Walls - Advice Needed

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 8:02 pm
by adam858
Hi All!

Old house built approx 1900 with solid external walls, currently some have plasterboard fitted to a thin 1” batten straight on the wall and some of it is dotted and dabbed to the wall.

I am thinking of building a 2x2 frame on top of the existing plasterboard, filling the gaps with 50mm celotex then a new plasterboard over the top.

Is this the best way to do it or should I remove the existing plasterboard first? Will the old plasterboard aid the insulation if I leave it there plus keep an air gap for the brick wall to breathe?

TIA, Adam

Re: Insulating 1900 House With Solid External Walls - Advice Needed

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 8:18 pm
by welsh brickie
remove the plasterboard to the bare walls, batten out the wall with 25mm thick batten then use either 25mm thick kingspan insulation boards or sprayfoam, you don't loose much internal space then

Re: Insulating 1900 House With Solid External Walls - Advice Needed

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:08 pm
by diydoctor6
There are some diagrams that show how to do this in this project, which might be helpful: ... gwalls.htm

There is an explanation of how you can tackle other types on internal solid wall insulation methods, depending what is appropriate in your home.