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Concrete Garden Shed Office Insulation

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 1:35 pm
by Peter67
Recently I have built a shed in my garden. I am planning to use as a small office. The precast reinforced concrete panels are interlocked and bolted together side by side. bought them from
First I built a strong concrete slab foundation (included mesh reinforcemnt) then I built 4 layers of brickwork along the perimeter four sides before I placed the concrete panels. The roof is a pitched roof type (steel trusses/old concrete tiles).

Timber suspended floor built and provided insulation under the floor. Now I want to complete the insulation for walls and the roof. Can anyone suggest type of insulation sutable for the walls and the roof.

the panels are in plan - in side not plain surface, it is like a trough panels. say if we place a plaster board at the front, there will be a gap in each panel.