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Fitting a Spyhole to PVC Door

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:20 am
by slapdash
I'd like to fit a spyhole viewer to a shiny new PVC door. Can I just drill a hole through the middle of the door?
I'm presuming it's a steel frame but can anyone advise me if I'm likely to come across a steel plate in the middle of the door?
If the doorskin is just plastic - rather than plastic coated steel - can I draw the spyhole tight enough without distorting the door?
Anyone done this before?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:10 am
by TheIronmonger
No no and no you shouldnt drill a UPVC door it will compromise the intergraty of the door also you will need at least 30-40mm door thickness for a door viewer and you wont have that on UPVC.
You can buy a cheap battery operated camera type door viewer that you can glue to the outside of the door if you need to.

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:56 pm
by firesdirect
[quote="TheIronmonger"]No no and no you shouldnt drill a UPVC door it will compromise the intergraty of the door also you will need at least 30-40mm door thickness for a door viewer and you wont have that on UPVC.
You can buy a cheap battery operated camera type door viewer that you can glue to the outside of the door if you need to.[/quote]
I have a upvc door with the upper section being lead-lite obscured glass.
This is fitted to a recessed panel (35mm thick) into an outer frame. The outer frame is 65mm thick. I have looked at battery alternatives, but they still require a hole of 12mm. With this in mind would 14mm for the peephole type make such a difference, especially as the outer frame is so thick ? This of course assumes that I am able to find one to fit 65mm.
Thanks in anticipation of your advice :D

Spy hole in uPVC door

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:34 am
by migwell030744
Hi just joined DIY Doctor and read your question.

Why not give the makers of thr door a ring and ask them, or I am sure a local installer would advise you even if they had to make a visit. It will be worth it in the end. After all you don't want to ruin a good door and have to spend out to have a new one fitted do you. They might be able to fit the viewer or even just supply the correct type if it possible to have one fitted.

My Daughter has a viewer in her UPVC door but it was installed at the building stage and it is a composit solid door with just a small obscure glass pannel about 12" X 9" and it was just fitted as though it had been a solid wood door.

I hope this gives you something to go on and yoy end up with what you wanted.

Regards Migwell [color=black][/color]

Door Spy Hole

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:18 am
by thedoorman
Thats not true....I used to make upvc doors
Manufacturers know and expect people to install Spy Holes
There is a blank spot one inch wide made for spy holes

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:24 pm
by alavapint
I'm new to the forum, so I'm not sure if I can mention a supplier.
But I have been fitting spy holes in UPVC doors for the past ten years.
Never had a problem as my door viewers for UPVC doors are of a short length, and can easily be tightened up giving a secure fit.
When I fit the inner section of the viewer I fit a 2mm x 30m nylon washer over it before tightening. This spreads the load should you worry about 'just plastic'.

When I am asked to do a door with a metal section in it, I just mark the centre of the hole using a nail, and then use a 16mm drill bit as a guide to draw a circle round it. Then drill a load of holes around the inside of the circle, and finish it off with a round file. Do that on both sides of the door, and pop your door viewer in.
Done hundreds of them (honest... I buy them in boxes of 20) and never had a problem