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UPVC Door dead bolt just goes into upvc frame with no latch

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 1:23 pm
by Hfighs

Noticed a draft on my front door for a while so I thought I’d check the latches out and I discovered that the deadbolt just goes directly into the upvc frame and doesn’t have a latch over it, is this normal ?

Included some pics, if I was to get a new latch what kind would I get ? The door frame seems a bit like an odd one

Re: UPVC Door dead bolt just goes into upvc frame with no latch have sufficient

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 10:33 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi hfighs,
If you can depress the door handle when the door is locked then you need to get a keep plate to reinforce the deadlock cut out. If the handle does not depress when the door is locked you probably have sufficient security from the latch.
Regards S