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Replace mortice deadlock in wooden flat door

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 2:51 pm
by fraccalo
Hi folks!

My flat's wooden door got an old mortice deadlock that needs replacement. It's one of the old Chubb locks, that apparently (from what I can find online) is now rebranded Union.
However, the new mortice locks seem much more low-profile than the old ones, and I could only find a few locks online that have similar size (but not identical-which worries me a bit) but are 4-5 times the price of a "more recent" model.
These are the pictures and measurements of my old lock:
And this is a possible replacement: ... dlock.html
which however costs much more than other models (which can be found at 20-30 quids), and measurement-wise is slightly taller than my current lock.

Do you have any suggestions on what would be the "best" thing to do in your opinion?
I'd like to keep the current key hole and don't drill any more holes in the door, but I wouldn't mind to do some chiselling to make room for the slightly larger mortice lock, or use some wood filler and replace the old lock with a smaller one (however, I don't know how easy it would be then to fix the mortice lock on the wood filler with screws.. I suspect it might get a bit messy).

Any suggestion is very welcome :)

Re: Replace mortice deadlock in wooden flat door

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:11 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi fraccalo,
Suggest you buy a £25 5 lever sash lock which will have dimensions close to the existing lock. You will either have to disable/remove the latch part or accept having a lever handle.
Regards S