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New doorframe to new wall?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 2:56 pm
by 3magnet
I am going to extend both sides of my entrance porch walls to centre a new door. This will also include a new doorframe. I am however unsure of how long I should wait for the extensions to be dry before I can secure the doorframe to it.

The other issue I have is that I want to use 'FIRFIX' strips on the ends of the porch entrance walls, in order to extend them using new bricks. I don't realy want to have to remove (toothing) bricks to slot the extra brikcs into place (I hope this is clear in explanation). Will the new bricks & FIRFIX strips be secure/strong enought to hold the weigt of the new door & frame, or should I use the 'toothing' method instead?

Please advise! :idea:

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 5:22 pm
by thedoctor
The link below will take you to a firfix substitute which we believe is cheaper and just as good. For the new brickwork to be strong enough to hold the door/frame it needs to be a minimum of 300mm each side and the ties need to go in every other course. The toothing method is no stronger than metal ties provided they are inserted regularly as above. The frame can be built into the brickwork as you build using framefix ties. These screw onto the frame and go into the joints of the bricks also. If its all done at once its a stronger job. You can get the frame ties by searching once you have clicked through on the link. ... 071&m=1228

New doorframe to new wall?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 9:09 am
by 3magnet
Hi Doc,
Thanks for the tip, but it still has not given me an estimate of how long I should wait for the mortar to dry before fixing the frame with additional bolts etc.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 11:12 am
by thedoctor
If you use the frame ties you will not need to use additional bolts etc but usually mortar is dry enough to start fixing to walls after about 3 days to stay on the safe side

New doorframe to new wall?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 11:42 am
by 3magnet
Thanks for getting back to me. I gather from what you have said that I should wait at least 3 days before hanging the door itself after the brickwork has been finished around the frame?!

Kind regards.