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Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:25 am
by Gazza03
Hi all

Later this week I am having my downstairs re-wired due to a rat inestation.

It appears that they are accessing my house from the downstairs attic which is located in my bathroom.

There are 2 holes there, approx 30 cm high and 20 along.

I have been provided with numerous suggestions about the best way to secure the walls to stop them coming back.

1 was to use a small piece of plaster board, wedge it in the whole and plaster over the top, the other was to fill the whole with stones/rocks and cement over it.

Does any body know of a better way or can tell me which way to stop this problem I have.

Cheers :D

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:12 pm
by Perry525
With holes of this size you must be frozen.
It must be costing you a fortune to keep warm.
Fill the holes with bricks and cement, or stuff them with polystyrene and cement over, almost anything to keep out the rats and the cold.
While your at it go round your home and fill any other holes you can find, mice can easily climb a wall and get into your home.