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Too thick paint needs thinning

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:18 pm
by ALS
I need some advice about thinning paint: :?

I have a tin of Dulux one-coat paint which had gone very thick in the tin so was advised to thin it with turps. However ........... it only seems to have made it thicker and it stinks to high heaven.

As it says on the tin that you can clean the brushes in cold water - can you thin the paint with water? And if I did - would it reduce the turpy smell?


Any advice gratefully received - I was hoping to finish the painting tonight.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:26 pm
by rosebery
Seems a bit late to answer this but it might help someone - particularly if 'twere in the Decorating Section.

If it says on the tin clean brushes in water that means it's water based paint rather than spirit based.

Turps and water don't mix.

I was going to suggest bin it anyway as if it's got that thick it's probably too old to use.

However, since it's now no use to man nor beast the answer is still bin it.


Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:20 am
by tpraja
In my opinion there is only one reason to thin paint for airbrushing, and that is to lower the viscosity so that the airbrush can atomize the paint properly