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Crack Appearing Near Window and has Spread Over a Few Days

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 4:03 pm
by LiamJ

We've been in our house for a couple years now. There was a box room which we painted and decorated, and fitted with shelves for storing heavy items (books predominantly).

At the time I did notice there was an imperfection on the wall trimmer but didn't really think much of it. However I've noticed that quite a large crack has appeared and spread in a couple of days.

I've looked outside, and there is no external signs of damage.

I was wondering if I could pick some brains and see if people can suggest the cause of the damage? And a solution to repair it?

I suspect it's possibly the weight of the shelves, possibly pulling on the plaster board. When fitting the shelves we did spread out all of the fixings, and spread the weight so it's supported not just off the wall beside it but also behind, and held up with supports from below too. Perhaps we didn't do a good enough job, or the weight is too great?

Part of the reason I want to ask is the crack is where the imperfection was, so it could be the previous owners had the same issue and have just repaired it. So me using this as storage might not be the issue, and it could be another problem.

Any help would be appreciated!