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Install plasterboard on the wall with brittle plaster

Posted: Fri May 07, 2021 5:51 pm
by Gaurav Nigam
Hi All,

I need some guidance on how to install the plasterboard on the wall.

My existing wall had the wall paper which I have removed. I noticed that plaster on the wall was quite brittle at some places.

I have been suggested I should first use mesh on the wall and then do little bit of plaster and then use some mix to install the plasterboard.

So my question is that the correct approach to install the plasterboard ?Should I need to scrub the wall before doing anything on the wall ?
Also Do I need the to install plasterboard up to the bottom of the wall and then install skirting on the top of it ?

I really appreciate if someone can guide me step by step to reach my goal - install plasterboard on the wall.


Re: Install plasterboard on the wall with brittle plaster

Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 11:44 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi gaurav nigam
Unless your walls are particularly bad eg uneven and large areas of plaster missing there seems little point in overboarding. A coat of skim plaster may be all that is needed.
If you particularly want a plasterboard finish remove loose plaster and use a drywall bonding adhesive, this will stick to most surfaces. Fit the skirtings after you have boarded out.
Regards S