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Ceramic Disc Tap

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 12:29 pm
by jimmccul
I installed a new 3-piece kitchen tap about 3 months ago with mixer and separate ceramic disc taps. the cold tap decided today that it didn't want to turn off - it still does a qaurter turn, but just turns on more when 'on' and still runs like normal when supposedly 'off'! Any advice? Can the ceramic disc stick open, or could something even be broken? As I say the tap still turns as normal.

Anyone come across this before?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 5:12 pm
by rosebery
Yes I had one exactly the same a couple of months ago. The discs aren't aligned properly. Change the cartridge or change the tap. After only 3 months the supplier shoul supply replacement FOC.
