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dodgy side fill valve?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 12:46 pm
by turbo4132000
Hi. I have a Multikwik TRC 1825 torbeck cistern which appears to have developed a fault in the side fill valve. I removed the cover to have a look and noticed that when the cistern is filling up, the valve spouts out water upwards and outwards, which in turn, must hit the plastic cistern cover and then proceed to run out and down the cistern, onto the floor. Surely the water from the valve needs to point downwards? Is the valve fixable, or do I need to renew? Thanks.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 7:37 pm
by plumbbob
Obviously the outlet into the cistern should point downwards but it is not uncommon to see water dribbling out of other holes in the mechanism but this should not spray the cistern cover.

It is not unknown for the plastic moulding to be faulty and water then squirts all over the place. If this is the case, then the valve needs replacing unless the hole can be sealed somehow.

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 8:26 pm
by htg engineer
There's normally a plastic pipe that clips on top of the valve, this directs the water downwards, they do come off sometimes if the pressure is increased.

Look in the bottom of the cistern, it's probably lying there normally white or clear. U shaped piece of plastic. Some have a plastic/polythene sleeve attached.
