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Cold water tap not running

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:33 am
by cmm260604
In our bathroom the cold water tap on the sink has simply stopped running. You can turn the handle and it rotates (but only a little way), but nothing is coming out. There didnt seem to be any gradual indication of this, it pretty much just stopped. All other taps in the house are fine.

Can you help me understand what this is?

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:06 pm
by nitro23456
broken tap.

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:37 pm
by htg engineer
Wouldn't have thought nitro's answer has been any help to you.

Check the end of the tap (spout - where water comes out) there's sometimes plastic inserts that can become blocked. Pop them out with a screwdriver.

no luck -
Turn off the cold water, undo the screw in the top of the tap handle and remove. There's a nut shape around the spindle, undo this and the whole gland will come out.
Check the rubber washer, may be jammed in tap, check the spiindle turns freely.

Or if they're old taps - replace them, not a hard for job a DIYer.
