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Toilet problem - Torbeck Valve in tank

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:43 pm
by wazza
I live in a hard water area. About 6 years ago i had a new bathroom suite fitted. The toilet system uses a bottom entry Torbeck valve.

A few years back the valve would not shut off therefore the tank was overfilling. I had a new Torbeck valve fitted. Now the same problem has returned. The tank is slowly overfilling. When i shut off the water supply the overfilling stops. This narrow it down to the Torbeck valve.

I have done a search on the internet and found it is a common problem. Something to do with dirt in the seal. Have read somewhere that it is recommended to swap it for something called Fluidmaster. Is this possible? ... 071&m=1228

Thanks in advance to those who replied.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:35 pm
by bobplum
in a word yes
instead of havinga arm with a float on the end,the fluid master as the float sliding up and down on the central column

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:37 pm
by wazza
Is this more reliable?

the person who recommended fluidmaster was just a DIYer and not a professional. Was wondering if this is what the professionals recommend?

I won't have the same problem again will ?

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:32 pm
by carnbrea
I have one installed at home and it's been trouble free for 14 years.
I also work in a Plumbers Merchants and have sold quite a few Fluidmaster ballvalves over the years and can't recall anyone having any problems.