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dead bird in header tank

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:28 pm
by marralass
I have just had to remove a dead bird from my hot water header tank. It had been there some time.
My hot water cylinder is of the indirect type.
Does the header tank feed both the taps and the radiators, or just the radiators?
How do I clean out the system? I can syphon out the header tank and clean that manually, but what do I do about the rest. Is there something I can put in it and if so where can I get it? (normal DIY shop or specialist supplier)

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:02 am
by plumbbob
There are probably two tanks in your loft. The smaller tank feeds the radiators only. If this is affected, drain the tank using a hosepipe to syphon the water and debris out. Allow the tank to refil, and add a central heating inhibitor which will protect the system and sterilise the water.

Again using the hosepipe, hoover out the water in the header tank. You can buy sterilising powders from camping shops or wine making shops.

Don't forget, opening th hot taps will not drain the cylinder. Occasionally there is a small drain tap near the bottom, but it is often stuck and difficult to get at.

The large header tank as well as feeding all hot taps, could be connected to the bath and hand basin cold. The only tap it definitely won't supply is the kitchen sink. Test the pressure with your thumb.