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Overflow continues to run on close coupled toilet

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 5:40 pm
by ricardolamos
I have a close coupled toilet in which water continues to run into the toilet bowl.
I thought iniitally that this was due to too much water being in the cistern and that this water was overflow.
I have subsequently replaced the ball valve and adjusted the float to a low level and water continues to flow into the toilet bowl!!

Can anyone offer an explanation as to why this problem persists and suggest possible remedies?

I would be most grateful.


Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 7:25 am
by thedoctor2
I suspect its your syphen unit thats fault and its not easy to replace on that suite
turn off the water , empty the cistern , undo the feed , undo cistern fixing bolts at the pan , remove the cisterm all to gether u will then be able to replace the unit , it is a wise move to replace the donut at the same time .
Hope this has been of help to u .
See projects in the plumbing section there may be more help there