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cistern - toilet siphon leaking

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 10:41 pm
by krill

had a look at the projects but this issue not covered it seems.

needed to replace the siphon due to a split flush diagphram on my close-coupled cistern.

I used one of the siphons pictured below.

did this no worries - but it seems there is a leak since I am getting water dripping off one of the bolts which secures the cistern to the pan.

The bolts secure onto a metal plate of a cistern coupling.

It seems there is no other place the water could be coming from but through the hold where the siphon feeds into the pan.

any thoughts on a solution?

[img][/img] ... %20kit.jpg

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 7:05 pm
by thedoctor2

Did you replace the black donut to its a soft circular seal between the cistern and pan

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:09 am
by krill
yes I did replace the donut.

In fact it seems to have settled down now - the leak has stopped. Maybe the siphon washer needed time to bed in? It seems to have sealed now anyhow.
