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Adding a 6th rad to a microbore baxi bermuda system?

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:50 am
by jg
Hell0 folks..

DIY doc newbie here..:0)

I have a baxi bermuda back boiler running five radiators
Two small rads, two medium and a large one.Now I have flushed and drained the system, it seems to run well as I am unable to hold onto the bottom of the rads for long without being scolded..:0)
The system is 25 years old

I would like to add an extra bathroom/shower room rad which I am told needs to be large.

There is a plate on the fire front that says the system outputs 20,000 btu's.

To find out if I can successfully add another rad, do I just add the btu capacity of each rad to see if it is within the capacity of the system? Or do I have to take heat losses , pipe runs and all sorts of other factors into account just as much? It seems that the system would be able to cope.

Also, is there any way I can improve3 the efficiency of the back boiler by cleaning it out or something?The flame seems the right coilour (yellowiish) and the system works o.k.

Any input would be most appeciated..


Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:49 pm
by htg engineer
Flame seems the right colour (yellowish) ????????

It should be blue - no yellow.

A baxi bermuda back boiler will run more than the 5 radiators you have, I have worked on many Bermuda's in houses that run 8 radiators.

That 20,000btu's - which equals approximately 5.8 kw will be for the gas fire only.

The boiler data badge is under the fire on top of the plastic cover over the thermostat, or Bermuda 551 or 552, it will be on the combustion chamber cover - the boiler will probably be about 50,000btu's+ depending on model.


running and connecting microbore 10mm pipe

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 3:02 pm
by jg
Thanks for the answer to my project..You certainly know your stuff.. :lol:

Just one other thing though,,

I plan to connect the towel rad in the bathroom to an existing rad next door in the kitchen.

However, this means the 10mm microbore piping would have to travel along, then up over a door into the bathroom then down. Is this up and down running of microbore pipe be avoided at all costs.?

Alternatively, the pipe would need to be connected up stairs and would entail the floor boards being taken hoo

Any replies would be greatly appreciated in advance.

Many thanks..


Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 7:45 pm
by htg engineer
Lift floorboards - installing pipework like you say is the perfect place for an airlock you would have to install airvents and maybe a new pump.

10mm pipe ? tee'd into 22 or 15mm will be fine, don't tee 10mm into 10mm - it'll never work.


Cheers htg

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:54 am
by jg
Cheers for your advice htg..
Your advice makes complete sense.
It also may explain why I have had several pumps go over the last 15 years.Probably due to air in the system which I have now corrected ..

I best get my crow bar ready for some floor board lifting,...

Many thanks again
