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One cold radiator -no air though

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 3:16 pm
by Myrtle
Two of my radiators have never worked properly since moving in to my house. The system had been drained down and so I had to re-fill when moving in. I eventually got around to trying to sort them out and indeed fixed one of them which was full of air. This one now works fine. The last one that doesn't work is the bathroom (which is downstairs, the boiler is upstairs in the bedroom). The radiator is FULL of water though. After fixing the first radiator, the pressure in the system was down, so I re-filled. As I let too much water in, I decided to use the bathroom rad to release the excess. Water was allowed to come out of each of the two panels in turn. No air came out at all. This radiator still stays cold. I did notice that, towards the very end of my releasing water (when the heating was on), the top of the front panel did start to get a bit warm and so I was hopeful that it was fixed, but to no avail. Any ideas on getting this one going? :?:

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 5:28 pm
by bobplum
possibly the system needs to be balanced i think its in the project section of this site

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:41 am
by Steve the gas
Hi Myrtle,

Check that both valves are open, don't assume they are. If one is a TRV, the pin could be sticking down- remove trv head , pull pin about 2-3mm upwards.Then go for balancing.
