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WC Flushing Problems

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:39 pm
by jims2

Im having problems with an upstairs toilet. I changed the siphon a few weeks ago as
it was split. New siphon is exactly the same as the old but it only worked for about a
day and then stopped flushing. Took it out and it looks okay not splits in the membrane.
Fitted a second new unit (came in a pack of two) and it did exactly the same worked
okay for a short time then stopped flushing.
Any thoughts if i might be doing something wrong or if i might have the wrong unit is
there different types besides volume ?
Woudl it be possible to change the whole WC over to one of those "flap" type units i know
B&Q do a conversion kit but is it recommended ?

thanks Jim

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:12 pm
by plumbbob
The only difference between syphons is the height. They are such simple and reliable items, I cannot imagine why a new one might fail.

Yes, you can replace it with modern "flap" type, but personally, I would leave it as it is because they are more reliable and less likely to leak. Well, supposedly!

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:35 am
by jims2
Thanks, appreciate the response. I checked it all out lastnight again and it seems
to be working now. Think the replacements i got were maybe a bit on the cheap side.

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:16 pm
by Barry Bunsen
Ive been fitting a few of these now. Usually quite straightforward but in the summer I fitted 2 that malfunctioned. In spite of being new units, after 3-4 weeks they would only work intermittantly. I took both out, inspected them and replaced them with no improvement. They are cheap so I finally replaced them with no further problems. I put it down to a bad batch coming through the production line. Perhaps yours came through at the same time!