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Back Boiler problem
Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:32 pm
by umalatina
Hey ! I have a back boiler - the house has oil central heating. Recently, I had issues with one of the radiators which was cold. Took it out, cleaned it and it worked again. I then balanced the heat throughout the house to make the heating more efficient and it worked ! Yesterday, I turned off the heating to use the back boiler (which heats hot water and rads all over the house) to save a few bob on the oil, and at some point I heard pipes banging and there was like a gurgling noise from behind the chimney (i had the washing machine on spin at the time as well). The rads upstairs and the hot water tank were boiling hot while the other rads in the house were cold. I let the fire die and all back to normal..... Any idea what this could be ? Pump ? Back boiler itself ? Air in the system ? Valves ? Leaks ? Cheers & Thanks.
Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:18 am
by Steve the gas
IMO - air, keep bleeding with systm off.
Check the small tank in loft has water in too.
Back Boiler Problem
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:03 pm
by umalatina
Hey ! Thanks very much for the reply ! :D The small tank has water (it's hard to see but it seems OK) and I bled again. I am worried to try to lit the fire again and hear the same noise etc... Do you think I can take the risk ? Or just ask a professional to completely empty the system and start again ? The funny think is that I have the feeling that the rads and the hot water are hotter now that I don't use teh back boiler.... Is that possible ?
Cheers and happy new year.
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:31 am
by Steve the gas
I would get your service engineer out to give it the once over
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:22 pm
by TheDoctor5
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