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immersion heater
Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:30 pm
by myykkall
When trying to undo the immersion heater from the tank i notice the plumber who last fitted a heater sealed up the threads with some paste and not the recommended tape. How does one counteract the hard paste which doesn't want to budge.
Thanks for any help that anyone can offer.
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:15 pm
by stoneyboy
1/4 empty the cylinder, remove all flammable fittings from the immersion, if the tank is foamed put a heat resistant mat around the immersion to protect the foam. Use a hot air gun to heat up the immersion heater - it will need to be very hot to soften the gunge used to seal in the immersion. With luck the immersion will come undone, the worst situation is that the boss will tear out of the cylinder - good luck!
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:01 pm
by rosebery
He's used jointing compound which he should have on an immersion. I wouldn't use PTFE on one.
Couple of sharp taps on the end of your IH spanner with a hammer should free it. Don't welly it though. Theres always a risk of damaging the cylinder if you are not careful when removing an immersion heater.