Low cold tap water pressure
Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:58 pm
I have a problem with my cold water supply, The mains pressure is very good on the first tap from the main stop cock in the house. But all the other cold taps in the house initially run not too bad but then slow down and in some cases after a few seconds stop altogether , the upstairs cold tap has little or no flow at all.
We have noticed a slight decrease of pressure over the past few weeks and just put this down to pressure fluctuation outside somewhere!! but appears this was the possible start of our problem. We have had no work done recently to have caused a problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Regards Gary
I have a problem with my cold water supply, The mains pressure is very good on the first tap from the main stop cock in the house. But all the other cold taps in the house initially run not too bad but then slow down and in some cases after a few seconds stop altogether , the upstairs cold tap has little or no flow at all.
We have noticed a slight decrease of pressure over the past few weeks and just put this down to pressure fluctuation outside somewhere!! but appears this was the possible start of our problem. We have had no work done recently to have caused a problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Regards Gary