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Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:14 am
by barry1957
Hi all,
Have a problem with our shower at the moment.
We have a power shower fed from the big tank in the loft. After I take my shower in the morning, there isn't enough hot water for the rest of the Family! And no, I'm not in there for ages!
The shower is pumped from the airing cupboard and we don't have a combi boiler.
I've re-lagged the big tank in the loft AND covered the top, as this wasn't the case when I entered the loft last week!!

Any advise is most appreciated as this issue really does need to be sorted ASAP.


Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:20 pm
by chris_on_tour2002
is your hot water tank big enough to handle the demand from the pump? are you heating the water from the boiler or the immersion?

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:53 am
by barry1957
I'm told that the hot water tank IS big enough to handle the demand.

During the winter, when my heating is on, I should be using the boiler to heat the hot water as it's already on for the radiators (I guess).

Although we have the HW set to 24 hrs, I'm wondering if my timings are out? Last night the lad's showered and the wife took a bath and all seemed fine, so I guess the system is working ok, it's just in the mornings when the outside temp is cold??

I'm waiting for a mail from the wife to say how this morning went (I'd left for work before they all took showers/bath).