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100mm Extractor Fan Vent

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:33 pm
by drewks1
Is it possible to vent the above - from a bathroom extractor fan - through a wall and then up and out through a corrugated roof? Is there a fitting available, and if not, any ideas on the best options?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:36 pm
by Perry525
There are a number of products on the market designed for this purpose.
Take a look in B&Q or similar.
Take note: If you place the extractor fan high up on the wall, then when it is not in use, most of your warm air will escape through it to the sky.
I recommend that you fit it about head height, or at least where you can reach it, then make and fit a box complete with air tight door that you can close when the fan is not in use during the winter.
Doing this will save heat and save you a lot of money.
If you can afford it buy a fan with a heat exchanger, humidistat and timer, these additions will also save money and heat they will pay for themselves very quickly.