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acutator or 3 port valve faulty ?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:00 am
by smithy59
hi i have a mid position actuator bgmvsp -23 which i suspect isnt working
when i switch on hot water only the rads get really hot as well and when i select heating only rads and thermostat work ok ,would this be the 3 port valve , ive had a look at spindle and doesnt seem to move much , ten past eight position . tried t move with small spanner , if it is valve what is the model no to fit actuator bgmvsp-23 ? thanks

RE: 3 port valve

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 7:07 pm
by zerihal
I have recently had a similar problem. You can check if the actuator is working correctly by removing this only (usually attached to a plate on the valve with a couple of screws) and then pressing controls for the hot water and radiators in turn. If the part in the middle that fits on the end of the spindle rotates then your actuator is probably working.

As for the valve - try applying some silicon grease to the spindle to loosen it up and then check if the actuator can move it. If not then you may need to replace either the actuator or both the actuator and 3 port valve.

The amount of movement varies with different models - may be worth checking the manufacturers website to find this out.