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Mira Sport Shower

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:38 pm
by SMack
Hi Guys,
we had an electric Mira shower for approxamately 8 years, which worked well until the temperature began fluctuating from stone cold to intensly hot, regardless of med or high setting or temperature setting.

A friend donated a new electric Mira Sport which was duly fitted only to find, although not as severe, the same problem exsisted. This has been sufferable until now.

Now when the button is is pushed, irrespective of any settings, it cuts out after approx 3 seconds. If the button is jammed in at least it works, but still temperature fluctuating.

The mains water pressure to the bath tap is strong, so I assume it wont drop on the rise to the unit to significantly effect the shower. (will it?)

Just a bit of guidence as to whether it is in fact the shower itself, dont want to purchase a new shower if it could be other reasons for the problem.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Mira Sport Shower

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:59 pm
by stoneyboy
Suggest you get hold of Mira and see how much they would charge to sort the problem. Since your replacement was new they may cover it under warranty.

Re: Mira Sport Shower

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:01 pm
by SMack
Hi cheers for that, already contacted Mira. (hence why on here) No warranty, and £115 to look at it. Main point was advice regarding getting an idea of whether it was the shower itself or the water pressure or something I can tweek. £115 for the guy to tell me it's external or something I've not checked, I don't want.