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Leaking Bath Overflow Help When Installing New Bath

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:10 am
by northernmonkeyz
We are in the middle of having the bathroom done up and everything is going great except the bath overflow.
Whenever the water goes up to the overflow water spills out under the bath.
When we empty a half full bath there is no leak so its not the trap.
Its only when the water reaches the overflow.
The guy has had a go at it 3 times now and its still leaking.
Are there any tips on what he can do to get this sorted?
I don’t know anything about plumbing and I am not sure plumbing his is thing either….but he is cracking at tiling and a have a go DIY bloke!

Re: Leaking Bath Overflow Help When Installing New Bath

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:05 pm
by proptech
If this is a simple overflow with a plastic flexible pipe from the waste fitting, then take it apart, and apply silicone sealer to both sides of the washer behind the bath. Tighten the fitting on the front of the bath before the sealant sets.