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Long Sink Waste Pipe When Switching Lounge to Kitchen in Cottage Conversion

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:30 pm
by V8S

I'm slowly renovating an old cottage in the UK and want to switch the lounge into kitchen, and vice versa.

I want to place the sink, and a dishwasher next to it, as shown on the image attached.

My problem is getting the waste water away over a long distance with inconvenient doors in the way. The drain is outside a window where I have removed a sink.

The larger room (the new lounge) is a solid floor with underfloor heating. Luckily, where I intend to cut into the floor and route any pipes there are no UFH pipes because originally that corner was going to be the kitchen area.

I have looked into Saniflo (the Sanivite). It seems to need the pipe to go vertical then fall towards the drain, but I don't want waste pipes all over the walls. The product info says I can't go horizontal and then climb vertically at the end to get out of the wall and into the drain. Also it's not rated for boiling water, so draining vegetables (an important part of a kitchen sink's use, surely?) would appear to be impossible.

At the moment, the only way I can see to do this is to either go vertically up with a pump and then fall (looking very bad) along the walls to the outside by the window, or somehow go down vertically from the sink in order to clear under the doorway, continue at the right gradient all along the walls and then dig down to connect into the drain.

But I've read that the maximum distance from sink to drain with a 50mm pipe is 4 metres. The distance from sink to drain is more than 4 metres.

Any ideas?

