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Problem with Hansgrohe Ecostat 1001 SL Supplied by Power Shower

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:59 pm
by Claverman

Wonder if anyone could point me in the right direction - re a fault

We have a power shower supplying a Hansgrohe Ecostat 1001 SL.

When the shower is turned on first thing in the morning no water comes out of the unit. In order to get water from the unit we have to turn the thermostat down to cool and then the pump comes on and water flows. We have to wait 20 - 30 seconds before we turn the water temperature back up otherwise the pump "hiccups" and the water stops, otherwise, once the "wait" is over the shower continues to function properly at the raised temperature.

Could this be a pump fault i.e. no hot water getting through initially or a fault with the unit thermostat.

Grateful for any guidance.