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One Cold Radiator That Never gets Warm After Replacing Boiler

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 4:21 pm
by longmate91
Hi last year i had my old boiler replaced for a new combi, at the same time i replaced some radiators and ever since one of the new rads wont get hot, unfortunately i dont know if this radiator ever did get hot on the old system as its a room we never used since buying the house a couple of years ago. The radiotor does get hot if i turn all the others off, its physically the furthest from the boiler, ive had the radiator off and flushed it through, its had new valves on it, the feed side has a TRV but thats not stuck, the plumber who installed the boiler believes there could be a restriction and im guessing his theory is when all the others are shut it has enough pressure to push through the restriction but i have had the system drained and can litterally blow down the pipe and it pushes water out the hosepipe at the bottom and can feel it coming back round into rad... ive read about having to balance the system but he says a combi system like min shouldn't need balancing, any advice would be appreciated.. thanks