Outside Tap Help With Existing Outside Tap
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Outside Tap Help With Existing Outside Tap

by _Jay_ » Sun May 06, 2018 11:21 am

Hi, i recently moved in to a new build house. Theres an oitside tap installed directly behind where the kitchen sink is, but its switched off.

I underdtand i have to turn the screw head from a verticle position to a horizontal position to get the tap to work, but theres another pipe coming down and then stopping under the sink. This is between the screw and where the outside tap will be.

This pipe has no cap on the end of it, and a small blue lever. Problem is the lever does nothing to the water flow, so if i turn the screw all I get is water pouring all under the sink.

Should this blue lever stop the water flow, or does it need a cap? And if a cap is needed, where can i get one from and know its the right size?

Thank you in advance!

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