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Street Meter Pit and Replacement Meter

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 3:14 pm
by greengrass
.Assuming the photo's loaded.
What has the SW replacement my leaking meter with its the photo with blue stop tap and white cap just to clariy. The existing meter was leaking at its tap so they repaired it I thought until i went to take a meter reading. (in foortway 100 mts from my bungalow,,,long story and found no meter.

Many thanks

street meter pit

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:12 pm
by greengrass
Anyone know if this is a new style fire hydrant tap.
My water meter leaked and it was replaced with this (photo) if it shows this time, instead of a new domestic meter. Job done now have brand new meter, but didn't see the contractors to ask. Nobody will admit to a mistake.

My theory, as it was mistakenly reported as a fire hydrant leaking by local priest in church next door and we were on holiday. Got home 4days after report and had for two weeks after no idea it was our meter pit leaking. The water company kept saying its the church because the meter pit is outside the church, on footway 200mt from out bungalow (long story).