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Running Radiator Pipes Under Concrete Floor

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 4:53 pm
by fizzykoi
I'm looking for advice on how best to run heating pipes under a concrete floor in our new extension. The concrete (6 inches) will be poured on top of the celotex we already have in place.
- Can I just run plastic pipe on top of the celotex before the concrete is poured? or does it need to be in a conduit of some sort?
- what about pipe L and T connectors, which we will need - is it best to box them in so they can be accessed without breaking the concrete? Or is it best to make all the joints above floor level?
- what is the best way to get the radiator tail pipes positioned correctly so that the radiators can be fitted easily after the floor is laid?

Re: Running Radiator Pipes Under Concrete Floor

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:50 am
by collectors
1. Fit your rad valves to the radiators & measure from centre to centre of each valve & mark on the wall.
2. I would run each rads pipe individual back to a convenient place for a twin manifold. This way you have no joints.
3. Its good practice to run your pipes in pipe conduit. so they can be replaced.
4. Another thing that is good is to chap the wall out where you marked for the valves & run the pipes behind what will be the skirting. "Looks a lot neater.

Re: Running Radiator Pipes Under Concrete Floor

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:04 pm
by fizzykoi
Thanks collectors. I was planning to concrete the floor before fitting the radiators. Are you suggesting that each pipe has a 90 degree bend up through the floor to each radiator valve?

Re: Running Radiator Pipes Under Concrete Floor

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 6:19 am
by collectors
When i did my pipes, i put a good size chase up the wall run speedfit barrier pipe in the floor up to the wall & 1 speedfit bend to face upwards. Then come up the wall & back out to the rad in copper as you can get sharper bends.

Re: Running Radiator Pipes Under Concrete Floor

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 9:09 pm
by fizzykoi
Thanks mate.