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Bristan Shower - Mixer - Cant get hot water

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 5:07 pm
by kennym
Hello All

Hoping you can help. I have a Bristan Shower which has been excellent however it is now playing up. I have replaced all the seals and the CD valve is rotating and 'looks' as if it is working OK. I am not sure of the model type, but please see attached pics.

The pressure is excellent, however there is no meaningful change in temperature when you turn the temp dial. The hot water inlet pipe is very hot so HW is getting to the shower. The only way I can get the temperature any hotter, is to turn on the bathroom sink cold tap on full blast. This obviously reduces the pressure in the shower significantly but at least the water coming out of the shower head is warm.

Any thoughts on what the problem is?

Thank you.


Re: Bristan Shower - Mixer - Cant get hot water

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 10:41 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi kennym,
Most likely problem is that the thermostatic coil is seized.
Easiest to fit a new cartridge.
Regards S