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Standing water in front left of en-suite shower tray

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 2:51 pm
by Chrisenty09

We have just bought a new build house in the UK within the last month and have noticed the ensuite shower leaves a small pool of standing water in the front left side of the tray. It isn't a drainage issue as the water seems to drain fine but seems to be more to do with the fall of the tray being slightly off.

The amount of water left isnt a huge amount but it's around 3mm deep and maybe 7 inches wide. The water remains there for as long as it takes to naturally dry so leaves a red residue/stain.

We have escalated it to the builders bit they claim it is within the tolerance levels and have pretty much stated some standing water is to be expected. Personally I think they are just trying to fob me off as I can't see how this would be fine of the tray is designed to allow the water to flow down the drain of correctly installed.

My question is, should there be any standing water present and if so how much water is too much? I have checked with a spirit level and the bubble is within the black lines but it is slight to the right meaning the left of the pan is slight lower. It's enough to stop the water draining fully.

Many thanks

Re: Standing water in front left of en-suite shower tray

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:16 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi chrisenty09
A correctly formed and correctly installed try should not leave any standing water. The builders are trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Start by seeing if you can identify the manufacturer and ask their opinion.
Regards S