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Bath u-bend being suckked out

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:22 pm
by Trebor
I have a 12 year old house with bathrooms at either end, each with their own downpipe. The downpipes are both fitted with Durgo air inlet valves in the loft rather than being open to the air above the roof.
Sometimes when the toilet is flushed, the downward suction seems to drain the water out of the bath trap causing sewer smells to occur in the bathroom. If some water is poured into the bath the problem smells stop. We leave plugs in the bath and on the overflow vent to help prevent this happening.
Is there a special trap I can fit to the bath to prevent this suction effect from happening?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:36 am
by thedoctor
It might be an idea to check the valves as it should not matter that they are in the loft, they should still open when toilet is flush to stop vacuum. If they arev OK you may need to insert a small (40 or 50mm) inlet valve to the bath waste pipe und run it up inside the vent pipe box. See the project on gurgling pipes to see how this is fitted