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Diminishing flow from hot kitchen sink mixer tap.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 6:44 pm
by simonmcelroy
The flow from my hot kitchen mixer tap has just started to diminsh as the water gets hotter; it starts off normal (it's never been powerful) after a few minutes it's a slight trickle. I'm not sure if it's the change in temperature that's a factor, it could be something else, but the flow from the tank to the shower and bathroom basins are fine. The flow to the cold tap is fine. Could any of you wise people advise the cause, or how to find the cause? Thanks

Re: Diminishing flow from hot kitchen sink mixer tap.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 11:59 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi simonmcelroy,
I’m assuming you have a tank fed supply via a HWC. If so it’s almost certainly an air lock, if you can find a cap to fit on the end of your kitchen tap spout, you can then turn on the hot, then cold to blow the airlock into the tank. Don’t do this for more than about 5 seconds at a time or you may get water coming out of the CW tank overflow.
Regards S